A new awakening   and the beginning    of a new era in SLNSS

In  the   year   1986 ,  Brother   Leslie  Devendra   was  elected  the  first General   Secretary   of  the newly    constituted    union  SLNSS .  At   this  1st  delegates   Conference    , Honorable    Sirimavo  Bandaranayake  was  elected  the  President   and  Mr . Mangala Munasinghe was elected   at the   treasure.

Importance Occasions at the 5th National Delegates’ Conference

A historic   occasion   for the union

The  foundation   stone  was laid   for the  construction    of the  New  Head  Quarters  building   for the   union   at   Sarana  Mawatha  , Rajagiriya  at  the  auspicious   moment  of   11.08 A.M. on  11 February   2004.

Among    the distinguised   guests   who   participated   at the ceremony   were Hon.  Mahinda   Rajapakse, the then   Leader   of the   opposition, Hon. Maithreepala Sirisena    M .P. Geneneral Secretary   of the Sri Lanka   Freedom party.

Opening    Ceremony  of    the new  headquarters   building   of SLNSS

Opening    Ceremony  of    the  stage 1  of the   new  headquarters  building   of SLNSS ,  on  27 -02-2008  by  Hon .Maithreepala  Sirisena , General  Secretary    of the  Sri Lanka  Freedom Party  .The ceremony    was attend    by Director   ILO  Colombo   Office  ,  Ms. Tine  Staremose  ,  and   Mr. Mahinda   Madihahewa , Secretary   Ministry   of  Labour  ,  and several   trade union  leaders .

6th National Delegates’ Conference 

Gold Award 

General Secretary Com .Leslie Devendra    being   awarded    the   “Gold Award  ”  by his   Excellency    the  President   Mahinda  Rajapakse having    being    judged  by the  , as   the best  trade union   in Sri lanka  , contributing     towards   the ILO  “ Decent  Work  ” concept .

welfare fund

In   the year 2006, SLNSS inaugurated a welfare fund for its members. Over  the   years  this  fund  has established   itself   as the   biggest   welfare   fund   operated  by a  trade union   in this   Country , disbursing  around  Rs. 2 million  every  month ,  as death   benefits .

The photographs   below   show the   very first    group   of recipients    receiving   their benefits.

General Assembly   in 2012.

As the  largest  trade union   in Sri Lanka ,  both  in terms of   numbers as   well as the sectors    represented ,  SLNSS   is regularly   selected  by the  governments , to    represent workers  of Sri Lanka   at  the    annual  sessions  of the   International   Labour  Conference , held  in Geneva , Switzerland .

Here, Com. Leslie Devendra, General Secretary   is seen addressing the General Assembly   in 2012.

international   campaigns – “ fatigue kills  ”

SLNSS  is affiliated   to several   Global   Union Federation , namely  : International  Transport   Workers   Federation ,  International   Metalworkers  Federation   and  the    International  Textile ,  Garment   and Leatherworks  Union. (The latter maintained      two have now   merged   into   one   organisation     named “Industri ALL”)

As   affiliated    of these    organisations we    are   often   called   upon participate in   international   campaigns.

Here ,   our  members   in the   road   transport    sector    are  seen    engaged   in a   campaign   on the   theme  “  fatigue kills   ”  targeting the  attention   of drivers in  road transport  , who  meet      with    accident   as a result   driving    without   proper rest.

Leadership   Development   of Women

In our education   activities, a prominent   place is given to Gender   Mainstreaming   in trade union activates.

We see here a group   of women   activists   receiving training    on the theme “Leadership   Development   of Women”

Top  Management   Meeting    of the  National  Productivity    Council

Our union has taken a very active   interest   in the   productivity   movement   of Sri Lanka   and was an   active   partner   in the   development of the National   Productivity    Policy   for Sri Lanka.

Here, Com.  Leslie   Devendra   , General Secretary  is seen   participating   in  a        “ Top  Management   Meeting    of the  National  Productivity    Council ” ,  representing   SLNSS  .

ITF Asia – Pacific    Regional   Meeting   held in Jakarta   , Indonesia

SLNSS is one of the senior affiliates    of the International   Transport   Workers Federation. In 2009, Com. Leslie Devendra was elected   to the   position   Vice Chair of   the ITF Asia Pacific Region. The next   year he was   elected to the position   of member of the executive    board    of the ITF. He is the 1st    Sri Lankan   trade unionist   to hold   this position.

He is seen   below attending    the ITF Asia – Pacific    Regional   Meeting   held in Jakarta   , Indonesia.

Opening Ceremony    of the Katunayake Office

In recent   times we decided to activitely participate   in the issues relating to EPZ workers. An office  was      established  in the   Katunayake  area ,and a  counseling  service  for workers  who are  mainly  women ,  is being   conducted .

On the occasion   of the   opening   of the Katunayake Office   17 Octomber 2010.

Opening ceremony of the office in Jaffna

Our  union  has  always  been in the forefront   on the issue  of  Interracial   harmony   and during   the period   of the  30  year  old  conflict  has   steadfastly   stood  for a  political   solution  to the   ethnic   problem . With  the ending  of the conflict , we were the first   union to   establish   an office  Jaffna ,  in the northern   part  of the Country    with a   view  to re  building   relations  between     working   people  from  the north  and the south .

In the future, we intend   to strengthen   the service    provided   by our Jaffna office.

The opening ceremony    of the office    took place   at 80, Temple Road, Jaffna on July, 2011. A  Pictorial   account   of the proceedings   on that day …….