MRA web site, Fair Recruitment Practices and Skills Development of Migrant Workers Gampaha District


The first seminar under this project was held on 24th April 2021 at Dunagaha in Gampaha district with 33 participants male and female were returnees and aspirants.

The objectives of the seminar were discussed by the General Secretary Mr. Leslie Devendra who expressed the new international cooperation on migration and its benefits. His address also included the danger involved in going via sub agents.

An officer from the Foreign Employment Bureau Mr. Sujeewa Namarathna delivered the main presentation, highlighted the following issues;

  • Understand of the correct and the legal way for “Safe Migration”.
  • How to eradicate trafficking and prevent in persons in the context of international migration.
  • Be aware of the vulnerabilities associated with migration and how to reduce same.
  • Inability of some Sri Lankan embassies to render the necessary assistance to workers in difficulty.
  • Specific safety guide lines for migrant workers.

Next presentation was about the new Web Site of “Migration Recruitment Advisor” which was introduced by ILO for migrant workers and done by Secretary of SLNSS women’s division  Ms. Nirmalani Premathilake and her presentation included;

  • What is the M. R. A. Web Site
  • To whom it’s benefits
  • How to use the link of
  • How to fill a MRA application
  • Introducing the Skills development program and about skills passport for migrant workers which introduced by ILO

The next speaker SLNSS women’s committee member Ms. Nilanthi Kumari raised her voice on the skills development of migrant workers with bellows:

  • Introduce where and how the skills of migrant workers can be developed.
  • Benefits of developing the skills of migrant workers.

The next discussion was on the reintegration of returning migrant workers by Mr. Namarathna as follows:

  • Basic financial management and making good use of your savings.
  • How to reintegrate returning migrant workers and the steps currently available through training institutions (eg. VTA, NAITA).
  • Introducing the scope and opportunities for self employment.When it came time to ask questions and answers, some of the victims presented the difficult experiences they faced in the destination country.

At the conclusion of seminar the following proposals were put forward proposed;

  • To fill MRA form and keep connection with migrant workers.
  • Guide migrant workers to develop their skills.
  • Frequent access to M.R.A. website.
  • Possibilities of forming migrant workers societies locally.



The objectives of the seminar was discussed by the General Secretary


An officer from the Foreign Employment Bureau delivered the main presentation “Safe Migration” and “socialization of returning migrant workers”.


Secretary of SLNSS women’s division introduced Web Site of “Migration Recruitment Advisor” and  explained about the “skill passport”



SLNSS women’s committee member raised her voice on the skills develop

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