Our union SLNSS is engaged on a project sponsored by SARTUC on the subject of “Safe Migration” specially concerning migrant workers.
This seminar conducted on this subject was held on 20th February 2022 and the participants were drawn from the Colombo district. Of the 14 women participants and 33 men participants 4 were chosen from returnees who had already served 02 or 05 years in the Middle East countries. The balance came from aspiring migrants who were awaiting to take up their employment. The aims and the objections of the seminar was discussed by the General Secretary of our union.
The main presentation was made by Secretary of SLNSS Women’s’ sector.
The issues that came up at the discussion were;
The second presentation was made by Assistant Secretary of Women’s division.
The issues came up with her were;
The third presentation was made by President of Women’s division who is working in Vocational Training Authority
In answering the questions raised by the audience taken decisions at the end of this seminar